Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Bright Side

Disappointment is heavy, and it is currently draped around my shoulders like a wet blanket, pushing me down.  Facing my students tomorrow will be hard.  It will be written on their faces and heard in their voices.  "Why didn't we get to go?"  "We are at school, so we should be in Austin."

Tomorrow will be a lesson about getting past our disappointments in life and looking on the bright side.  Here is the list of things that are good about not being in Austin tomorrow:

1. It's the first day of book fair!  Who doesn't love the book fair.
2. It will be sunny for the first day in weeks, and we can have outside recess.
3. We can add a student who wasn't going to be able to go tomorrow.
4. Our chaperones have plenty of time to re-schedule their day off.
5. One chaperone who wasn't going to be able to go can now go.
6. We are being given a new date that is technically not available.
7.  All of the work for the trip is done.
8. We still get to spend the day with our friends.
9. Our favorite trainer might be able to go with us.
10. Benchmarks are over.

There are probably just as many negatives, if not more, but I have to point my students to the good stuff.  We were blocked in so many ways and from so many angles, I have to believe that something better is coming.  There is a reason that we are not going tomorrow.  We are not meant to be there, so we will be at school trying to find the bright side together.  In the word's of Monty Python, "Always look on the bright side of life!"


Thinking Made Visible said...

Looks like you've found the silver lining Mrs. Ware! I cannot tell you how much your "bright side" list motivates, inspires, and encourages. I'm going to dig deep and find my smile again before I greet my kiddos in the morning. Perhaps an ABC's of Gratitude is needed. Thank you so much for reminding me of truth Ami. I'm so lucky to have you as a teammate!

Ramona said...

Your students are lucky to have a teacher who is so optimistic and the song made me smile. Glad you'll have a sunny day and the book fair!

Stacey Shubitz said...

Your kiddos are lucky to have a teacher who looks for the positive. Yea for the sun coming out again!

Anonymous said...

So important to find the bright side - this is a great list slice!

Anonymous said...

It's so frustrating when you've planned and prepared for something and then it's cancelled! Good for you, focusing on the bright side of life!