Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Happy Birthday, Hudson

It was another beautiful Spring Break day for our family, but today is more than just another day. Today, we stop to celebrate our sweet baby boy. Hudson is finally 7, but luckily for me, he has decided to stay 6 forever. Wouldn't that be wonderful. At some point, most of us (especially women) decide to "hold" at a certain age, but it's not usually 6. Some days we long for simpler times, but if I had really stopped time, I would have missed out on my wonderful family and this special little boy. The one who loves his mommy one million "infinities and beyonds" and thinks she knows everything and gives her kisses to make daddy jealous. So, today we pause and celebrate, but life keeps moving forward. "Doesn't it go by in a blink." 


Ramona said...

Such a handsome boy. love that pose against the tree. And he loves his mom one million "infinities and beyonds." Yes, stop to pause, celebrate and cherish this time!

Thinking Made Visible said...

Happy Birthday Hudson! The photo of him looking out the airplane window is my favorite. You conveyed the beauty of innocence, childhood, and mothering so well. Love this post Ami!