Thursday, March 12, 2015

29, again

My life is full!  I have the privilege of spending my days with 92 of the most amazing 4th graders on the planet.  I work with some of the smartest, kindest women (and men) ever placed in the education field. I am supported and loved by a wonderful husband, kids, parents, and extended family.  I have large circles of friends, ranging from the ones who are entrusted with my secrets to the ones who I rarely see but still feel lucky to call friend.

So many of these people have taken time out of their day to wish me a happy birthday.  I'm not sure why I've been blessed to share life with these wonderful people, but I am so thankful that they are a part of it.  Turning the largest prime number under 40 isn't so bad.  :)

Celebrate your birthday with a cute baby meme card. #BirthdayCard #Meme


Thinking Made Visible said...

It was a good day! So glad you felt loved, cherished, and celebrated. We are thankful you were born. You make the world a better place Ami Ware!

Ramona said...

Still trying to think about the largest prime number under 40 . . . I don't teach math! Got it!! Sounds like you've had a fabulous bday with many wonderful friends and family sharing your day.