Friday, June 27, 2008

The circus is in town

So, choosing to be a stay at home mom also means that you have chosen to live on half the money that you're used to. In order for us to still have some fun, I try to stay up on the free or really cheap things happening in our city. Today the Ringling Bros. clowns were at the library. We got there early and even found a really close parking space. Apparently, though, there were lots of others who got there even earlier. So many, in fact, the library had handed out tickets to the event and were out. We had to wait and see if there would be an extra space. Luckily, there was room at the back so Hannah was able to see their act. It was pretty funny even to me.

Today was also Mom-o's birthday. Mom-o is my mom, and she works close by so we went to see her this afternoon, too. Otherwise, we had a pretty uneventful day. We have plans this weekend, though, so maybe something fun will happen.

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