Thursday, June 26, 2008

How fast the time goes

So, after I had my last child and decided to become a stay at home mom, a good friend suggested that I start a blog so that everyone could keep up with us. Well, three months later, I'm finally getting around to starting it. You'll all have to be patient with me, though, because it will probably be days or even weeks before I get pictures to attach to whatever I have to talk about. Why? Because when it comes to technology, I'm still in the stone age. Yes, we have a digital camera, but what was pretty good four years ago pretty much stinks now, and believe it or not, I actually prefer my plain ole 35mm camera.

So, just to catch everyone up, Hudson is 3 months old and Hannah will be 3 in July. We have spent the last 3 months trying desperately to figure out an acceptable routine for the family that will also accomodate daddy. As of now, the only thing we've accomplished is getting Hudson to sleep through the night. Hannah's "school" work is very hit and miss and as hard as we try, she will not sleep during nap time. We try to make it to story time at the library a couple of times a month, and last month Hannah had 4 one hour dance classes, 30 minutes for ballet and 30 minutes for tap.

Today, though, was a very special day for us. Hannah was asked to sing on a professional song recoding and was she ever the diva. She walked into the studio, put on the headphones and was ready to go. I am so excited to hear the final version. I just don't want her to think that is a common occurrence. However, if anyone needs a sweet little 3 year old to sing for them, just let me know. She is a very quick study.

That's all for now. I'm going to get a few hours of sleep before Hudson demands to be fed again.

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