Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Mr. Terupt

After attending a writing conference last week, Tenille and I went on a book search. After finding a certain book to give to her new student teacher, we found our way into the children's book section, a place most elementary teachers cannot resist. I saw the book Because of Mr. Terupt and was told immediately that it was an amazing book. Knowing that she has really good tastes in literature, I decided that I had to buy it.

Fast forward to a day of STAAR simulation. Simulation means, it's quiet and I might get to read some! As I met the characters in the beginning chapters, I knew immediately that I would love this book and Mr. Terupt, too. Several quotes have really jumped out at me, but one really spoke to the things that go on in our classrooms this time of year. One quote that really put things into perspective.

As we analyze data and make RTI groups and update progress and beat our heads against the wall, I think I need to start remembering this: “Maybe you just do the best you can, 'cause you can't control what happens in the end.” I need to remember that I can only control myself. I can attend training classes and workshops, read books, and align myself with the best minds in education. I can pour my heart and soul into every student in my classroom. I can work alongside them and drag them through obstacle after obstacle. I can make sure they eat, are safe, and feel loved. However, I can't control how they perform on that test. It may be a bad day for them in every sense of the word, and I have to be okay with that. I have to be their cheerleader and look for the silver lining in what often appears as a very dark and cloudy sky. I have to encourage them when they are down and point them to that silver lining. Perhaps, they also need to hear, “Maybe you just do the best you can, 'cause you can't control what happens in the end.” I am determined to make my students believe in themselves. It might not be today, but one day in the future, their best will be more than enough no matter what happens in the end. I have to remember that I am an elementary school teacher. My job is to plant seeds for education, for the future, for life. Someone else gets to see the harvest.
Because of Mr. Terupt


M Nabors said...

I have a new book to read!!! YAY! We loose sight of this simple truth in the mixture of data, RTI, simulation, etc. Thank you for sharing this!!!!

Ramona said...

Because of Mr. Terupt is a great book! Glad you discovered it. Did you know there's a sequel?

Thinking Made Visible said...

Ami, you are and always will be a silver-lining person. I am so glad you are finding your anchor through Mr. Terupt. Next to Mrs. Barnes and Mr. Daniels from Fish In A Tree, he might be my very favorite teacher. The wisdom you share is something I must be reminded of over and over again. We cannot control the outcome, and there are so many factors beyond our control. I'm pretty sure I have wasted years of my life fretting, worrying, and trying to figure out solutions to problems that simply cannot be solved. Our little lovelies will show up and try. They will work hard and do their very best. Some will get the answers right. A lot of them will get the answers wrong. It's a bad test, and everyone knows it. That doesn't make us bad teachers. Let's keep our heads held high and keep cheering one another on. You keep me grounded, and I am very thankful for your level-headed, even nature.